Mike Goldenberg's Music Site


Welcome to my virtual home. This is your basic songwriter/singer website. As you can see, construction and renovation are under way, so there should be more and better content in the coming weeks. For now, there are e song to hear and download from my new CD ("Something for You"), lyrics to those songs, and various other sorts of writings. Notes on the songs and a short bio with some pictures are due up next, also music and lyrics from my first CD, "Keepers".

If you have something you'd like to say or want to buy a copy of either CD, you can email me at mickey@mikegoldenberg.com and I'll respond. "Something for You" won't be duplicated, shrink-wrapped and ready to ship for a month or two, as I'm putting my time and money into this site right now. If you don't want to wait that long, we could make arrangements about mp3 or wav files. I hope to have both CDs up on CD Baby and other web music retailers fairly soon.

Contact Me

all material copyright © 2005 Michael D. Goldenberg

Site created and maintained by Bodacious Web Services